Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome to each of you.

Well, everyone is so sweet! Thank you. I'm trying to make Swedish tea-rings for Mark to take to Roosevelt tomorrow for Pi day... (Held in the morning this year, so I can't make apple Pi) He's planning on taking them over to school tonight so that he can ride his bike tomorrow, so I better get going. Thanks for visiting. Nancy

p.s. I believe that they have pi day as close to "pi" as they can... Do you think it's a few days late this year? Do you know what Pi is without looking it up? You're all saying, "Oh no, is this an education blog?"

Monday, November 10, 2008

First things first

My first thankful thought is thank you to Stephen for setting up my blog. It's kind of fun to inaugurate something new. The picture is a sunset along I-380 on my way to visit Illinois. Some of the younger members of my family might think these are reflections of my sunset years... so be it. Come and visit anytime. Nancy